• Delan Associates, Inc. is seeking a consultant to assist the UIU in analyzing and commenting on the Consolidated Edison (Con Edison) 2025 rate cases (25-E-0072 and 25-G-0073).
  • The topic for this contract is as follows: Gas Revenue Allocation, Rate Design, and Financial Matters. Utility (Intervention Unit (UIU) represents the interests of consumers before the Public Service Commission during utility rate cases and other policy-related regulatory proceedings.)
  • Must be experienced in investor-owned regulated public utility energy matters to provide technical expertise and expert witness services in the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (Con Edison or the Company) 2025 Rate Cases (25-E-0072 and 25-G-0073).
  • The Contractor is expected to focus on issues that have the highest potential impact on consumers such as gas revenue allocation and rate design and related financial matters, and other relevant topics identified in these cases or as requested by UIU in the Con Edison 2025 Rate Cases (25-E0072 and 25-G-0073).
  • The project tasks to be performed by the Consultant during the project period include, but not limited to, the items described below.
    Please note, the Consultant should be prepared to devote sufficient resources to meet all procedural schedules, timelines, and deadlines as directed by the UIU Director.
  • The Consultant will at the discretion of UIU review a selection of the testimony, including exhibits and workpapers, that is submitted by the Company on behalf of the Company’s expert witnesses and panels, and will submit to the UIU its own independent analysis and review of the appropriateness of the Company’s claims. The panels and witnesses of interest to the UIU to be reviewed include: Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Gas Rates Panel and other testimony relevant to the subject matter areas.
  • In addition, the Consultant will during the course of assisting the UIU during the 2025 Con Edison Rate Cases review, draft, and provide guidance on (a) related materials distributed or presented by the Company or other parties in these cases, including, but not limited to, information requests, responses to information requests, materials associated with settlement (e.g., term sheet, Joint Proposal, etc.) and any other relevant data and documents pertaining to issues pertinent to the work plan (b) related historical documents such as joint proposals filed in other proceedings, Memorandum of Understanding, and Stipulation Agreements, etc., (c) related work discussed in other New York State proceedings, matters, and forums including, but not limited to, Energy Affordability and Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, (d) related work and/or initiatives discussed in other states, and (e) any other policy and regulatory issues that may impact consumers, as deemed necessary by the UIU.
    The Consultant will prepare and/or assist the UIU with the finalization of UIU initial and rebuttal testimony, including exhibits and supporting workpapers, at the discretion of UIU and subject to all internal deadlines set by UIU. Intervenor Testimony (Initial and Rebuttal) is expected to be filed around May 2025 and/or June 2025.
  • Prior to the submission of initial and/or rebuttal testimony, the Consultant will submit to UIU its own high level independent analysis (with the primary focus on the Company’s gas revenue allocation, rate design and related financial matters along with other areas identified in these cases), review of the appropriateness of the Company’s and other parties’ claims pertaining to these matters, and recommend a strategy for initial/rebuttal testimony. Depending on how the litigation proceeds, the Consultant will likely be required to participate in settlement negotiations which would include, but is not limited to, analyzing arguments contained in the parties’ testimonies, developing or enhancing preliminary positions and recommendations as requested by UIU, formulating strategies and suggestions for settlement proposals, attending meetings with other parties (virtually), assisting in the development of settlement proposals and joint proposal, and assisting UIU with writing and reviewing statements of support/opposition to the joint proposal.
  • The Consultant will be expected to consider other parties’ positions and arguments (as set forth in testimony or otherwise) and develop responsive strategies to counter those that are inconsistent with the public interest.
    Additionally, the Consultant, at the discretion of UIU, may be expected to monitor the rate case activities and the submissions made by other parties in these proceedings by subscribing to the party lists in both proceedings on the New York State Public Service Document and Matter Management system website (“DMM”),1 and selecting the option to receive all filings associated with these proceedings on DMM.
  • The Consultant must have a system or process for managing cost and budget throughout the entire length of the contract ending January 31, 2026 In addition, the Consultant will provide UIU with a weekly project plan that details the projected cost of deliverables and includes an explanation for any deviation.